VIG Investment Fund Management Hungary Company Limited by Shares (registered office: H-1091 Budapest, Üllői street 1., company registration number: 01-10-044261, hereinafter as: Company), in compliance with its legal obligation, with reference to §139 (1), point b and f of Collective Investment Act hereby informs its investors that the amended documentation of

VIG Central Europen Equity Investment Fund

will enter into force on 16th March 2024.

Reason:      Modifications made in the investment policy.

The information listed in this announcement is not exhaustive, so for accurate and detailed information, please read the consolidated Prospectus of the Fund.

Our publication, as well as the new Fund Rules, Prospectus, Key Investor Information and is available at the official publication places of the Company, on the website and on the website

Budapest, 15. February 2024.

VIG Investment Fund Management Hungary Co.