Announcement by VIG Asset Management Hungary on the expansion of the scope of distributors

April 11, 2024

In compliance with its statutory disclosure obligation, VIG Befektetési Alapkezelő Magyarország Zrt. (registered office: H-1091 Budapest, Üllői út 1), hereby informs its investors pursuant to Section 139(1)(f) of the Collective Investment Trusts and Their Managers, and on the Amendment of Financial Regulations that in the case of VIG Alfa Absolute Return Investment Fund VIG BondMaxx Total Return […]

Announcement about amended documentation of VIG Central Europen Equity Investment Fund

April 11, 2024

VIG Investment Fund Management Hungary Company Limited by Shares (registered office: H-1091 Budapest, Üllői street 1., company registration number: 01-10-044261, hereinafter as: Company), in compliance with its legal obligation, with reference to §139 (1), point b and f of Collective Investment Act hereby informs its investors that the amended documentation of VIG Central Europen Equity Investment Fund will enter […]

Announcement about amended documentation of VIG Czech Short Term Bond Investment Fund

April 11, 2024

VIG Investment Fund Management Hungary Company Limited by Shares (registered office: H-1091 Budapest, Üllői street 1., company registration number: 01-10-044261, hereinafter as: Company), hereby informs its investors that the amended documentation of VIG Czech Short Term Bond Investment Fund will enter into force on the 20th of February 2024. Reason:      Updating the total expense ratio (TER) The information listed […]